
The Most Beautiful Wedding in the Word: Yours!

The Most Beautiful Wedding in the Word: Yours!

There’s a secret to making everybody happy and having a wonderful wedding: listen to no one but yourself and design an event that fits your personality and lifestyle. Yes, you’re allowed a short non-white wedding dress, a beach or mountain lodge wedding, rock music all over the place, no blue, old, or new, no priest or church, sandwiches in the menu, and unconventional wedding rings. Follow your heart and instinct and don’t worry; everything will be perfect!

A Photographer's Tips for Unforgettable Wedding Pictures

A Photographer's Tips for Unforgettable Wedding Pictures

Those who had experienced their wedding day won't let me lie when I say that there are moments during the event that you wouldn’t even remember if it's not because of the pictures your photographer captured.  You’re all excited and sentimental on what's going on that time passes by so fast and when you even realize, it’s all over!
Because of that, here are some tips that will help you enjoy every moment of your special day.