New Year’s Resolutions in 2020

As we end 2019 and get ready for 2020, we’re full of hopes and promises. We’d like to be better, accomplish more, and experiment more. To be sure we stick to the plan, we make New Year’s resolutions and hope their magic will help us keep them. Still, most resolutions are broken in the following month and by March we have already forgotten them.

Sometimes we aren’t the only ones responsible for giving up a resolution. Sometimes the resolution itself isn’t what it should be. For example, giving up smoking isn’t a New Year’s resolution but an everyday resolution. Something that threatens your life isn’t optional. So here are the best resolutions you should keep in 2020.

I will travel more

Traveling to new places is exciting but is also a life lesson. Did you notice that most heroes from novels and movies have an initiatory journey? Traveling expands your horizon and teaches you important lessons. Seeing new places and discovering different cultures helps you grow and become a wiser and better person. Traveling teaches you tolerance, kindness, and modesty. Discover the world and discover yourself.

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I will try new things

We all have our limits, fears, and unknowns. But from time to time is good to ignore them and try a different approach. It may be something you eat for the first time, the first surfing lesson, or hiking on an unknown mountain. It may be Mexican food in your home or an adventure in Alaska. Don’t compare yourself with others. You don’t have to do something extraordinary, only to try something new and embrace the change.

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I will spend more time outdoors

People always wish to be healthy and go more often to the gym. But you can achieve double success by finding time for outdoor activities. For example, you can run in the park, practice yoga on the beach when you’re on holiday, go for a walk more often or leave the car at home whenever you can, or spend your vacations hiking. Outdoor activities require more energy and planning but are also more rewarding and healthy.

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Remember that New Year’s resolutions should be fun and creative. They aren’t either a diet or a medical prescription. They’re a chance you give yourself to make your life better. Happy New Year with happily accomplished resolutions!